Friday, March 21, 2014

Soleil, you can stay

It is already the weekend here in Apt! Though I am excited for it to be here, the past week has almost been like a vacation for me. With sunny skies every day and the temperatures reaching 80 degrees, I was wearing dresses and sandals all week – not bad for middle of March! Not to mention, because of oral exams given during many of my classes, I only worked 5 hours this week at school. My schedule reads that normally I have 13 hours this week, already not many when you compare to an American teaching timetable. Nonetheless, I was happy to have the time to lay in the sun, read and relax. After this week, I look as if I went to the beach on holiday, with a few shades darker on my skin.

On my walk to private lesson in Gargas
Although I only worked 5 hours at school, I did manage to work 5 hours of private lessons too. When I was walking back Monday evening from one of these lessons, I heard someone behind me shout out a hesitant “excusez-moi?” I thought she was not talking to me but still out of politeness I turned my head. She looked at me familiarly and asked “tu parles francais?” Recognizing that this was a teacher from the collège, I responded and she began to tell me that she spoke to one of the teachers I work with and was wondering if I could give her daughter private lesson. I said of course, she instantly called her daughter and took me to her home (which also happens to be here at the school) to meet her. Although we did not meet that day, we called each other and set up a lesson for Thursday. I used to be quite intimidated on the first day of a new lesson client, but now that I have had so many, I was not nervous at all! It is all about recognizing the level of the student and what their interests are. For all the private lessons I do, my focus is to just get them to SPEAK and have a conversation with me, as speaking is always the hardest skill to master in a foreign language. This new client is very enthusiastic and fun-loving, I know that I am going to enjoy giving lessons to her for the next month while I am still here.

With a month left of teaching, I have begun to do what I have been dreading since the beginning: closing everything down. From internet service, to phone service, to my bank account to my apartment, discussions about les resiliations* have been an everyday occurrence here. Though many are making the processes very easy, I just have a feeling that the second I go to them on the day I need to leave, they are going to say, “mais non!” and tell me I have to pay a fee. I am not paranoid for thinking of this, I have read about closing accounts in France online, and numerous people have had finicky situations. Here’s hoping that me doing my homework this far in advance will help!
I still can’t believe that I now have only four weeks left, time is just flying by! This week was spent booking all the hostels for my little European vacation. I have to admit I breathed a sigh of relief when that was done! I am happy that I get to spend a few more relaxing weekends around here, as looking towards this whirlwind travel extravaganza, though I know it will be amazing, makes me realize how much energy I will need to do 18 straight days of travel. Gotta get ready for what I know will be the best trip yet!

*Translation: the cancellations, the closings

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