Sunday, January 5, 2014

Returning to La France

Bonjour from the South of France! It hasn't been a day since I've been back and I already feel like I am getting back into the swing of things, with everything unpacked, a load of laundry in the wash, and planning lessons for the next week. Christmas vacation in the U.S. was amazing, but I do have to admit that it made it much harder to come back to France. I love being here and this experience, but I realized how much I love home, family and friends too - I miss you all back home and thanks for taking time to see me while I was there!

Also, the whole climate shock thing, it's real folks! I just spent the last week in South Dakota and Minnesota, with copious snow and temperatures averaging -15 degrees Farenheit. This morning, I woke up to the most beautiful Southern Provencal sunny day, with a high of 53 degrees Farenheit. To help you with the math, thats almost 70 degrees of a difference! I'm burning up over here!

Woke up to this beautiful blue sky, can't complain!

Traveling here was exhausting, with a total of 36 hours of traveling starting from Minnesota. I managed to get about 2 hours of sleep on the plane and nodded off during the train. But when I woke up at noon today, realizing I had slept 14 hours, I knew my body (and mind) sorely needed it!

On the docket for this week is nothing special - business English private lessons tomorrow with teaching Tuesday-Thursday. However, les soldes* start on Wednesday... so I might be making a small trip to Avignon on that day. Gotta get the best prices AND choices on the first day! And maybe a few more shopping trips later on in the week - the sales only last so long!

*Translation: the sales!

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